Pure Facts
Newsletter Archives
From 1981 to 2016, the Pure Facts Newsletter was published
ten times a year as a portion of the material provided to members of the
Feingold Association of the United States.
Scroll down to see archives. The most recent issues are at the
NOTES: Please be aware that information about brand name
products and restaurant items may be outdated. Products change - before using
any product mentioned in these archived newsletters, consult a current Foodlist or Fast Food & Restaurant Guide.
Also, we do not know whether the same product exported to another country
would have the same ingredients. If you live outside the U.S., the product
information and restaurant information may not be relevant.
to Reprint:
You are welcome to reprint and circulate articles that appear in Pure Facts, in the form
of photocopies, articles in another newsletter or on a web site or blog. When
you do so, please use the following acknowledgment:
"Reprinted from Pure Facts, the
newsletter of the
Feingold Association of the United States, www.feingold.org"