Warfel 2014: Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model

Warfel, Zimmerman, Merkel, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA


  • The vaccine induces a response mismatched to natural infection.
  • The vaccine fails to prevent colonization or transmission.
  • The antibodies produced by the vaccine do not mitigate  colonization.
  • Pertussis circulation is still high in countries with excellent vaccine uptake.

In the picture above…..
naive” = baboons who had never been vaccinated.
aP”  = baboons vaccinated with the acellular Pertussis (used in the First World countries)
wP”  = baboons vaccinated with the older whole-cell vaccine used in Third World countries
conv” = baboons who had recovered from Pertussis

All groups of baboons were exposed to Pertussis and tested to see whether they carried the bacteria in their nasal cavities (making them contagious). As you can see, those baboons who actually had recovered from Pertussis had no bacteria in their noses already on the first day, while those who had been vaccinated with the older “whole” Pertussis were contagious for almost 20 days, and those who had received the acellular Pertussis were contagious for almost 40 days —- longer than those who had never had any vaccine and who had got sick from the exposure.

CONCLUSION:  The vaccine does not stop contagion.  It does suppress symptoms, but the exposed vaccinated person is more likely to be in public where they can pass it on to others.

NOTE:  That ad advising people with new babies to force grandparents to get the DaPT vaccine before allowing them to be near the baby ….. well, it is simply bogus, and the CDC knows it

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