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Sonuga-Barke 2013: Nonpharmacological Interventions for ADHD: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials of Dietary and Psychological Treatments

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American Journal of Psychiatry, 2013.  March. 170(3): 275-89. This paper is a review of dietary and psychological treatments for ADHD. QUOTE (Conclusion):  “Free fatty acid supplementation and artificial food color exclusions appear to have beneficial effects on ADHD symptoms, although … Continue reading

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Artificial sweeteners are worse than we thought

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We already know too much sugar is bad for you ………but ARTIFICIAL sugar may be worse. Click on the picture to see a short but important video from an article in TIME Related studies:  (Get password) Azad 2016 — Association … Continue reading

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Whiteley 2013: Gluten- and casein-free dietary intervention for autism spectrum conditions

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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013 Jan 4;6:344. This is a review of evidence suggesting that a gluten-free diet, a casein-free diet (or both) are helpful for people on the autism spectrum. QUOTE:   “Although not wholly affirmative, the majority of published … Continue reading

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Millichap 2012: The diet factor in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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Pediatrics, 2012 Feb;129(2): 330-7. Millichap says his article is a comprehensive overview of the role of diet for treatment of children with ADHD “when pharmacotherapy has proven unsatisfactory or unacceptable.”  He promises to talk about new research. Unfortunately, he falls … Continue reading

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Saab 2012: The effect of diet supplementation on children with ADHD

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Lebanese American University, Masters Thesis 2012 In a project for her Masters Degree in Education, Linda Saab performed a case study on a 9 year old boy in Beirut who was diagnosed with ADHD.   Although he was observed for 5 … Continue reading

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Pelsser 2011: Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behaviour of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA study): a randomised controlled trial

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The Lancet, 2011. Feb 5;377 (9764): 494-503 This is a study of 100 children diagnosed with ADHD but not selected on any basis of expectation of a dietary effect.   The children were randomly assigned to an experimental diet group and … Continue reading

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Stevenson 2010: The Role of Histamine Degradation Gene Polymorphisms in Moderating the Effects of Food Additives on Children’s ADHD Symptoms

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American Journal of Psychiatry. 2010 Sep;167(9): 1108-15 Stevenson analyzed the reactions of children in the McCann (2007) study to see why not all children react to additives in the same way.  He found that variation in several genes that control … Continue reading

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Pelsser 2009: A randomised controlled trial into the effects of food on ADHD

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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;18(1):12-9. In a randomized controlled trial in the Netherlands, 27 children were assigned either to an elimination diet or to a “waiting list” control group for 5 weeks, beginning after a 2-week “baseline” diet … Continue reading

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McCann 2007: Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial

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Lancet, September 6, 2007 As a followup to the earlier Bateman (2004) study, the authors retested 153  toddlers as well as 144 elementary school (8/9 years old) children from the general population.   They were briefly put on a dye-free … Continue reading

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Husain 2006: Estimates of dietary exposure of children to artificial food colours in Kuwait

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Food Additives & Contaminants, 2006. Mar; 23(3): 245-51. Husain evaluated the amount of food dyes consumed by children in 58 schools in Kuwait, and found that the amounts of four of the colors were 4 to 8 times above the … Continue reading

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Inomata 2006: Multiple chemical sensitivities following intolerance to azo dye in sweets in a 5-year-old girl

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Allergology International, 2006. Jun; 55(2):203-5. This is a case report about a 5-year-old girl in Japan with multiple recurrent problems:  urticaria (hives), angioedema (swelling), headaches, dyspnea (shortness of breath), loss of consciousness, and abdominal pain.  Her symptoms were made worse … Continue reading

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Lau 2006: Synergistic Interactions Between Commonly Used Food Additives in a Developmental Neurotoxicity Test

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Toxicological Sciences. 2006 Mar; 90(1):178-87. This is one of the few studies examining and comparing the neurotoxic activity of food additives alone and in combination.   After determining how much of each additive reduces neurite development by 20%, Lau combined pairs … Continue reading

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Niederhofer 2006: A preliminary investigation of ADHD symptoms in persons with celiac disease

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Journal of Attention Disorders, 2006. Nov;10(2):200-4. Because several studies had reported a possible association of celiac disease (CD) and ADHD symptoms, the authors evaluated 132 participants diagnosed with CD – both children and adults – for ADHD symptoms before they … Continue reading

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Dengate 2002: Controlled trial of cumulative behavioural effects of a common bread preservative

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Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2002. Aug;38(4):373-6 In Australia, 27 children whose behavior had improved on the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital diet were enrolled in a double-blind placebo-controlled test of the bread preservative calcium propionate (preservative code 282).  More … Continue reading

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Pelsser 2002: Favourable effect of a standard elimination diet on the behavior of young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a pilot study

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Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2002, Dec 28;146(52):2543-7. 36 boys and 4 girls, diagnosed with ADHD, were put on an oligoantigenic (few foods – rice, turkey, pear and lettuce) diet for two weeks.  9 children (23%) withdrew from the study because of … Continue reading

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For those who may be wondering about the lack of newly posted studies on here over the past few weeks, I just want to let you know I did not drop out of sight …. exactly.  I have found a … Continue reading

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Starobrat-Hermelin 1998:   The effect of deficiency of selected bioelements on hyperactivity in children with certain specified mental disorders

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Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis, 1998;44:297-314 Deficiencies of magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium, and iron occur more in children with ADHD, and magnesium deficiency is the most frequent.   Starobrat-Hermelin studied a group of 110 hyperactive children who also had a variety … Continue reading

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What is the Nutrition Foundation?

Below are some of the members of the Nutrition Foundation in the 1970’s. This was the group that designed and funded early studies to determine the credibility of the Feingold diet. Officers and Trustees of the Nutrition Foundation at that … Continue reading

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Schmidt 1997: Does oligoantigenic diet influence hyperactive/conduct-disordered children–a controlled trial

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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1997. Jun;6(2):88-95. Fig. 1 Study design Schmidt compared the effectiveness of an oligoantigenic (few foods) diet with Ritalin for hyperactive disruptive children (today called conduct disorder).   44% responded to Ritalin while 24% responded equally well … Continue reading

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Reyes 1996: Effect of organic synthetic food colours on mitochondrial respiration

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Food Additives and Contaminants, 1996. Jan;13(1):5-11 In this lab study, 11 artificial food dyes – not all of them used in the US — were tested to determine their effect on the mitochondria of rat liver and kidney. NOTE:  Mitochondria … Continue reading

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Boris 1994: Foods and Additives are Common Causes of the Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children

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Annals of Allergy, May 1994, Vol. 72, pp. 462-8. 73% of 26 children with ADHD responded favorably to a diet eliminating reactive foods and artificial colors. 16 of the improved children were given a double blind challenge with 100 mg … Continue reading

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Rowe 1994: Synthetic Food Coloring and Behavior: A Dose Response Effect in a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Repeated-Measures Study

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Journal of Pediatrics, November 1994, Vol. 135, pp.691-8 150 of 200 children [75%] improved on an open trial of a diet free of synthetic food coloring, and deteriorated upon introduction of foods containing synthetic colorings. 34 other “clear” or “suspected” … Continue reading

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Carter 1993: Effects of a Few Foods Diet in Attention Deficit Disorder

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Archives of Disease in Childhood, November 1993, Vol. 69 (5), pp.564-8 59 of 78 children (75.6%) referred for “hyperactive behavior” improved on an open trial of an elimination diet.  19 of them were studied in a placebo-controlled double-blind challenge protocol. … Continue reading

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Novembre 1992: Unusual reactions to food additives

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Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica 1992 Jan-Feb;14(1):39-42 The author describes two cases of reactions to the food additives tartrazine (Yellow 5) and benzoates involving mainly the central nervous system (headache, migraine, overactivity, concentration and learning difficulties, depression) and joints (arthralgias), confirmed … Continue reading

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Pollock 1990: Effect of artificial food colours on childhood behaviour

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Pollock & Warner, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1990.  Jan;65(1):74-7, Heart and Lung Institute, Brompton Hospital, London. Pollock did a double-blind placebo-controlled challenge study on 19 children who had improved previously on an additive-free diet.   He didn’t use any additives … Continue reading

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Sarantinos 1990: Synthetic Food Colouring and Behavioural Change in Children with Attention Deficit Disorder: A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Repeated Measures Study

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Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia, 1990 pg. 233. Sarantinos studied 13 children,  4-14 years old, who had been at least 6 weeks on a diet free of synthetic food dyes as part of their treatment for ADHD.  The … Continue reading

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Ward 1990: The influence of the chemical additive tartrazine on the zinc status of hyperactive children: A double-blind placebo-controlled study

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Journal of Nutritional Medicine; 1 (1). 1990. 51-58. Ward first studied the zinc status in various tissues (blood, hair, saliva, etc) in 20 hyperactive boys compared to 20 non-hyperactive boys.  Then, in a double-blind placebo-controlled study of 10 hyperactive boys … Continue reading

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Egger 1989: Oligoantigenic diet treatment of children with epilepsy and migraine

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Journal of Pediatrics, 1989. Jan;114(1):51-8. Egger put 45 children with epilepsy and recurrent headaches, abdominal symptoms, or hyperactivity on an oligoantigenic (few foods) diet.   36 of them — 80% — improved. QUOTE:  “Headaches, abdominal pains, and hyperkinetic behavior ceased … Continue reading

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Rowe 1988: Synthetic Food Colourings and “Hyperactivity”: a Double-Blind Crossover Study

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Australian Paediatric Journal, April 1988, Vol. 24 (2), pp. 143-7 Of 220 children referred for suspected hyperactivity, 55 were put on a 6-week trial of the Feingold Diet.    40 of them — 72.7% — exhibited improved behavior, and 26 of … Continue reading

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David 1987: Reactions to dietary tartrazine

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Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1987. Feb;62(2):119-22. In a double-blind study, David challenged 24 of his patients who had been using diet for ADHD with benzoic acid (a preservative) and a large dose of coloring — 250 mg of Yellow … Continue reading

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Gross 1987: The effect of diets rich in and free from additives on the behavior of children with hyperkinetic and learning disorders

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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1987. Jan;26(1):53-5. Gross carried out a diet study in a summer camp which is a great way to totally control the diet and get solid results in a study. NOTE:  … Continue reading

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Schoenthaler 1986: The Impact of a Low Food Additive and Sucrose Diet on Academic Performance in 803 New York City Public Schools

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International Journal for Biosocial Research, 1986, 8(2); 185-195. Over 4 years, 803 New York City schools changed their breakfast and lunch programs.  They lowered sucrose, synthetic food color/flavors, and two preservatives (BHA and BHT). For each change, there was an … Continue reading

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Egger 1985: Controlled Trial of Oligoantigenic Treatment in the Hyperkinetic Syndrome

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The Lancet, 9;1(8428):540-5. 62 of 76  (81.6%) overactive children improved by at least one grade level on an oligoantigenic (few foods) diet.  Benzoic acid and tartrazine (Yellow 5) were the most common problems, but all children had other sensitivities as … Continue reading

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Mattes 1983: The Feingold diet: a current reappraisal

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Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1983.  Jun-Jul;16(6):319-23. Mattes gives his opinion that improvement on the Feingold diet is  “based on anecdotal evidence;” he claims that the studies show the diet “is probably not effective, except perhaps in a very small percentage … Continue reading

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Goldenring 1982: Sulfanilic acid: behavioral change related to azo food dyes in developing rats

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Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, 1982. Jan-Feb;4(1): 43-9. Goldenring studied the effects of giving sulfanilic acid to rat pups.  He chose this chemical because it is formed when azo food dyes are digested.  He gave the sulfanilic acid to normal rat … Continue reading

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Salamy 1982: Physiological changes in hyperactive children following the ingestion of food additives

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International Journal of Neuroscience, 1982. May;16(3-4):241-246 QUOTE:  “… The physiological measures [EEG and heart rate] were obtained prior to and following the ingestion of drinks containing food additives or placebos, which were administered in a double-blind, randomized, crossover procedure. … … Continue reading

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Mattes 1981: Effects of artificial food colorings in children with hyperactive symptoms. A critical review and results of a controlled study

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Mattes & Gittelman, Archives of General Psychiatry. 1981. June; 38(6): 714-8 Mattes claimed he tried to maximize the behavioral effects of artificial food dyes by (1) studying only children already on the Feingold diet,  (2) trying to exclude placebo responders, … Continue reading

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Swanson 1980: Food Dyes Impair Performance of Hyperactive Children on a Laboratory Learning Test

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Science, March 28, 1980, Vol. 207. pp.1485-7 QUOTE:  “The performance of the hyperactive children on paired-associate learning tests on the day they received the dye blend was impaired relative to their performance after they received the placebo, but the performance … Continue reading

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Weiss 1980: Behavioral responses to artificial food colors

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Science, 1980. March 28;207 (4438): 1487-9. QUOTE:  ”Twenty-two young children, maintained on a diet that excluded certain foods, were challenged intermittently with a blend of seven artificial colors in a double-blind trial. Parents’ observations provided the criteria of response. One … Continue reading

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Feingold 1979: Dietary management of juvenile delinquency

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International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1979. Vol 23(1) 73-84. QUOTE:  “This disenchantment with present-day rehabilitation techniques prompted the Ford Foundation in its annual report for 1977 to recommend that the role in delinquency of biochemical and organic … Continue reading

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Lafferman 1979: Erythrosin B inhibits dopamine transport in rat caudate synaptosomes.

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Science. 1979. July 27; 205 (4404): 410-2. Lafferman found that erythrosin B [Red 3] given to rats prevents the uptake of dopamine (the “feel good” neurotransmitter) by nerve cells in the brain called the caudate synaptosomes.  This is consistent with … Continue reading

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Shaywitz 1979: Effects of chronic administration of food colorings on activity levels and cognitive performance in developing rat pups treated with 6-hydroxydopamine

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Neurobehavioral Toxicology, 1979.  Spring;1(1):41-7.  (Today called Neurotoxicology and Teratology) In a study on rat pups, the highest dose of food dyes caused the greatest activity.  Even after a half hour, the pups only calmed down by 7.25% — while the … Continue reading

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Dumbrell 1978: Is the Australian version of the Feingold diet safe?

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Medical Journal of Australia, 1978 Dec 2;2(12):548, 569-70. The Feingold diet, as used in Australia, was found to be nutritionally superior to a “normal” diet, and pronounced safe to use. MedLine

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Fitzsimon 1978: Salicylate sensitivity in children reported to respond to salicylate exclusion

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Medical Journal of Australia, 1978. Dec 2;2(12):570-2 To test for reactions to salicylate, 12 children who had been on the Feingold diet for about a year were challenge-tested with 40 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in a double-blind, cross-over trial … Continue reading

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Harley 1978: Hyperkinesis and food additives: testing the Feingold hypothesis

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Pediatrics, 1978. Jun;61(6):818-28 In a double-blind diet study in which all food was provided for a “Feingold Diet” and a “control diet,” parents of 63% of the 36 school-age children and 100% of the 10 preschool children reported improved behavior … Continue reading

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Harper 1978: Nutrient intakes of children on the hyperkinesis diet

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Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1978 Nov;73(5):515-9 Harper calculated the nutrient intake of 54 children before and on the Feingold diet.   They were as good or better than the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) — in other words, the … Continue reading

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Hindle 1978: The management of hyperkinetic children: a trial of dietary therapy

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New Zealand Medical Journal, 1978. Jul 26;88(616):43-5. QUOTE:  “Ten hyperkinetic children have been treated with the [Feingold] diet, five of whom improved dramatically and are now off all other therapy. Their response to accidental and deliberate challenge supports the hypothesis … Continue reading

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Rose 1978: The functional relationship between artificial food colors and hyperactivity.

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Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1978 Winter; 11(4):439-46 This was a double-blind study on two girls who had been on the Feingold diet for almost a year. Trained observers watched them in school and reported on the frequency of the … Continue reading

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Williams 1978: Relative effects of drugs and diet on hyperactive behaviors: an experimental study

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Pediatrics. 1978 Jun;61(6):811-7. 26 hyperactive children were given a “modified” Feingold diet in which artificial food dyes and flavorings were eliminated, but not preservatives or salicylates.    They were then challenged in four ways: Cookie with 13 mg food dyes + … Continue reading

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Brenner 1977: A study of the efficacy of the Feingold diet on hyperkinetic children. Some favorable personal observations.

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Clinical Pediatrics (Phila) 1977 Jul;16(7):652-6 (Case studies) When 32 hyperactive children Dr. Brenner had been treating medically for years were given the Feingold diet, 11 of them — 34.3% —  “markedly improved.“  Another 2 improved as much but were older, … Continue reading

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Feingold 1977: Food additives in dentistry

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Journal of the American Society for Preventive Dentistry, 1977 Jan-Feb;7(1):13-5. QUOTE:   “The presence of food additives in products used in dental procedures may have serious consequences for many patients. Hyperactivity and learning disabilities as well as buccal, gingival and … Continue reading

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Feingold 1977: Hyperkinesis and Learning Disabilities Linked to the Ingestion of Artificial Food Colors and Flavors

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Speech to American Academy of Pediatrics, New York Hilton Hotel, November 8, 1977. QUOTE:  ”Recognizing that any compound under the appropriate conditions can induce adverse reactions, including behavioral disturbances, it becomes necessary to evaluate each compound or class of compounds … Continue reading

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Spring 1976: Food Additives and Hyperkinesia: A Critical Evaluation of the Evidence

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Journal of Learning Disabilities, November 1976 vol.9 no.9 p.560-569 Spring reviewed the few studies available at that time and concluded that there was no “epidemic” of hyperactivity in the 1970s because a particular WISC reading score average was higher in … Continue reading

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The Science Library

For doctors, students, researchers, and parents. I have been collecting the research studies related to diet, behavior and health for over 30 years.  Download My Science Library for your information and convenience.  It has been updated February 17, 2024, is … Continue reading

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About Me

In the 1970s and early 1980s, my son Zohar was miserable and unmanageable. The doctor prescribed Ritalin to “fix the imbalance in his brain.” We began with Ritalin and progressed through all the medications then available, including one now removed … Continue reading

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