Eagle 2012: Toxicological Effects of Red Wine, Orange Juice, and Other Dietary SULT1A Inhibitors via Excess Catecholamines

Eagle.  Food and Chemical Toxicology. 40: 2243-2249.

This is an overview of how certain compounds affect the enzymes called phenolsulfotransferase (also called PST or SULT1A), and how enzyme inhibition enzyme causes problems such as migraines, heart arrhythmias, or increased blood pressure. Genetic variations are involved in how susceptible a particular person may be. Table 1 contains a list of common inhibitors, and you can see Yellow 5 is considered a “strong inhibitor.”

NOTE:  Because this same enzyme is needed for food dye and neurotransmitter metabolism, this background information may help in understanding the variation in responses to food dye.

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