Author Archives: Shula

Spring 1976: Food Additives and Hyperkinesia: A Critical Evaluation of the Evidence

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Journal of Learning Disabilities, November 1976 vol.9 no.9 p.560-569 Spring reviewed the few studies available at that time and concluded that there was no “epidemic” of hyperactivity in the 1970s because a particular WISC reading score average was higher in … Continue reading

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Feingold 1975: Hyperkinesis and learning disabilities linked to artificial food flavors and colors

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The American Journal of Nursing, 1975 May;75(5):797-803. QUOTE:  “… It is important to recognize that this entire behavioral pattern is beyond the child’s voluntary control. He does not choose to be a failure nor does he want to be bad. … Continue reading

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CSPI Ramping Up Campaign Against Food Dyes

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57,619 more signatures are needed to make it to 150,000 signatures. Tell the FDA to Ban Harmful Synthetic Food Dyes A number of studies – and an emerging scientific consensus – demonstrate that some children experience episodes of inattention, hyperactivity, … Continue reading

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The CSPI is Seeing Red Over Food Dyes

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Seeing Red:  Time for Action on Food Dyes was published in January by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). This outstanding paper explains why children continue to be exposed to and harmed by food dyes and other … Continue reading

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